My babies

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I'm sure you can relate

Lil'T still needs some help with the potty. She goes on her own, pretty much. And we have worked out that we get first wipe and then she has a turn (because the other way around is just too messy). She will flush the toilet unless it is too hard to push the lever. She also is in charge of pulling up her pants and underwear herself and then I help her wash her hands.

Today she was dallying in the bathroom -- it takes time to pull up underpants and pants. I was waiting and soon Lil'T became frustrated. She started crying while trying to pull up her jeans. She needed help. Sometimes we all do.

She said, "My pants are freaking me out!"

That just made my day. I don't often get freaked out about my pants but I'm sure that it happens to all of us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My pants freak me out sometimes too.