My babies

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Uncle Nofre

My mother called me last night with the words, "Uncle Nofre is going to the emergency room by ambulance."

Thank God I was sitting down already when I answered the phone. The last time she told me that one of my uncles was going to an emergency room by ambulance, the outcome was not good.

Turns out that Uncle Nofre was feeling some shortness of breath and called Dr. Gaby, his GP. Anyway, Gaby told him to call an ambulance. Uncle protested saying that he could drive to the hospital. Can you believe that??? Oh Uncle! Anyway, she protested and Uncle relented. The ambulance took him to the hospital. My mother was notified and got on the phone to let the family know what was going on.

My cousin Lydia met Uncle at the emergency room. Thanks Lydia. That was really a relief to have you there. I hope that you weren't too inundated with phone calls. I imagine that must have been difficult -- especially with my mother giving everybody your mobile number so we could call you and ask how things were going.

Tests were run and Uncle was discharged into Aunty Snuffy's care. I'm sending out a plea for prayers for Aunty Snuffy because now she'll have the 2 brothers to take care of under one roof. Patience and love, patience and love. And when those fail: beer and poke, beer and poke.

Thankfully it wasn't a heart attack or something more dire. With luck, his condition can be handled with some changes in his medicine regimen and diet.

So please, send healing prayers for Uncle Nofre. And just in case, beer and poke never hurt nobody.

1 comment:

Kaya McLaren said...

Long live Uncle Nofre!