My babies

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Vesant (like pheasant with a vee)

Hubby and I have been cast in the next episode of Starship Excelsior. I am reprising my role as Vesant (a.k.a. Pilot #1) , a fighter pilot. Yup, I am sure you can tell why I was cast as this. I am a fighter pilot on the inside. That's my inner me.

Rob's got 2 roles. He's Martinez & Random Crew Member. The director called the role of Martinez a "difficult and thankless role". Rob's line: 15 seconds of agonized screaming. It is not as easy as it sounds. Just try it. Maybe even right now. As you're looking at your iPhone in the Starbucks reading this post, just haul out, clear your throat and scream. See. You can't do it, can you? And at the very end, Rob has a pivotal line as Random Crew Member. I won't spoil it but it is fair to say the entire episode is leading up to Rob's big line. I'll post the link as soon as it becomes available. I know you've all been waiting for it.

Here's the fun. Lines are due back to the director 3 days before Christmas. Upside, I only have 3 lines. Really important lines, mind you. But only 3. Didn't need more than 3 really. I'm a fighter pilot. I don't have time to chit chat like a bunch of grandmas on a Sunday afternoon.

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