My babies

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Jose, can you see?

We had a splendid 4th of July. 16 years ago, when we were planning our wedding, I wanted a 3 day weekend. In Hawaii, all the best places were booked at least a year in advance. 3 day weekends, even faster. So the only 3 day weekend available for us to get married in 1994 was on the 4th of July.

We joked back then that we would tell our kids that the fireworks were to celebrate our wedding anniversary. The whole nation celebrated with parades and fireworks our union and I suppose the union of all the states. Eh, splitting hairs.

Yesterday, we totally dug out on our friends with whom we usually watch the parade. See, years ago, you could drop off your chairs on the side of the road a couple hours before the parade started and it was great fun. Now you have to camp out about 5 - 6 hours ahead of time. The thought of sitting in 81 degree heat for 5 hours was simply not appealing. And for goodness sake. IT IS MY ANNIVERSARY! I shouldn't have to do anything I don't want to do. So over the protests of our kids, we decided to skip the parade all together and head over to Dan & Terri's most awesome lake house.

Their lake house is not only bigger, nicer, and better decorated than our regular house -- but it is on a lake. Okay, that kind of goes without saying since it is a lake house. But the lake is so beautiful, the water so swim-able, with canoes, kayaks, and rowboats readily available... I want them to adopt me. They have a son and daughter. Maybe I can get one of my kids to marry into the family. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Anyway, Dan & Teri also have a hot tub. After all the kids were done swimming in the lake, the whole bunch of them went up to the hot tub. Most of the kids were in the 12 - 14 year old range. Lil'T and Princess hopped in too to warm up. Hubby overheard some of the conversation.

Lil'T: What the f-f-f-f...

A hush fell across the group.

Lil'T: What the fireworks!?!

There was laughter and lots of, "I totally thought she was going to say something else." and "What other words start with 'f' that you know?"

The boys especially were hoping, hoping, hoping that my 3 year old might have something a little more scandalous to say.

Too bad, suckas!

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