My babies

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

New smiles

Yesterday, That got his braces off. He said that his teeth felt slimy because he hasn't felt smooth teeth in over a year. It is strange to see his mouth without the braces on and we're going to be dealing with a retainer for the rest of his treatment. Oh man, I already know I'm going to be spending hundreds replacing retainers for the duration. I'm hoping it will be okay for him to just eat with the retainer in place. I'm dreading him losing it. Maybe I can send him to school with puddings and soups while he's in retainers. That might be a little obsessive.

So yesterday we went to have some corn on the cob. The only place I could think of was KFC to get some of that. I know, their corn tastes like sucking on a dishrag, but the prospects for fresh corn on the cob in April are pretty slim. So I packed up the kids and we drove to the next town for the nearest KFC. We started ordering and when we got to the sides, the counter girl said, "We're out of corn on the cob."


So we left and went to the nearest grocery store. I was not going to be dissuaded from this quest. I found 4 fresh ears of corn, flown in from Mexico, for a whopping $6. Yeah, that's pretty steep. But how often do you get to celebrate getting your braces off? Then we also bought long carrots, apples, gummy bears, taffy, and beef jerky. For those who aren't aware, these are all forbidden foods for braces wearers. Pizza and corn chips are also on the list but if I had gotten rid of those, the child would have whithered up and died.

We went back to KFC to get some chicken because one cannot make a dinner out of jerky, gummy bears and corn. And while we were there, I shot this little vid.

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