Here's the deal people. There are really 2 types of people in the world: Cat people & Dog people. There are people who have both, and I don't know how to categorize them. Invariably, they will talk about how their cats behave like dogs -- all friendly and liking their human staffers. But I think if you value the dog like characteristics of your cats, you should just accept that you like dogs.
I believe that dogs are the superior pet. Their love and enthusiasm, their ability to learn simple commands, their general cuddliness -- they are better in most ways to cats. Some cats are cuddly. Some have dog like attributes. But as I said before, if you're going to say all the ways that your cat is doglike, get a freaking dog.
There is one place where dogs are lacking though. They are dependent on their owners completely. Cats are independent. You don't train a cat. You service a cat. But a dog, you need to teach, interact, socialize, and most importantly to your community, clean up after. This is where we are failing our dogs.
Dog owners, I implore you, CLEAN UP after your dogs. The cat people of the world will forever be snooty and act superior simply because there are douchebag owners out there who don't clean up after their dogs. You might have seen the movie Bromance. One of the main characters makes a choice not to clean up after his dog. The whole time I watched that bit unfold on screen I wanted to reach into the movie and throttle that character.
Today I went walking my dog in a friend's neighborhood. I will never do that again. I was amazed, I mean DISGUSTED, at the amount of dog poop there was not just on the grass beside the sidewalks but on the sidewalks themselves. I even encountered a large black dog with a collar walking off leash in front of his house -- no invisible fencing because the dog was on the sidewalk and street in front of the house.
Come on, people.
Would you let your non-verbal toddler outside of your house unsupervised? Heck no! Would you ever consider leaving your baby's dirty diapers in the street? Of course not! And yet, dog owners do this all the time.
Those dog owners give dogs a bad name. They need to have their licenses revoked. They need to have a sticker on their state IDs that say, "unfit to own a dog."If they want a furry creature to hug and love, but want to train it the same amount as they train their pet goldfish or hamster, then they should get a cat.
Switch sides. Please.

My babies
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Dog owners unite
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