My babies

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What's Happening?

Today I went to my first Zumba! class. I think you're supposed to have an exclamation mark on the end of the word because it is just such a happy class. So much fun. I actually had a blast.

But I'm not in shape.

Well, as my friend Steve likes to say, "I'm in shape. Round is a shape."

So next to the teeny tiny energizer bunny instructor, I felt like a blimp. A very nimble blimp though. Dude, I may be fat but I still can dance.

So when my friend Julia asked me what I thought of the class, I told her to recall an old sitcom character that we both grew up watching. I told her that seeing myself dance in Zumba! class reminded me of watching Rerun from What's Happening?

But I always think of that Hallmark-y quote that says, "Sing like nobody can hear you and Dance like nobody is looking."

So I am dancing like I'm wearing a beret and suspenders. But I'm having a great time and I'll even let you watch if you like.

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