Lil'T has a very thick accent. It's the 2 year old accent. All of them go through this phase when the child transitions from babbling to fully formed sentences. But she's 2, so sometimes she doesn't quite get it right.
Her word for "cold" is "dude." I actually think it is pretty neat. At first, Hubby thought that she was saying "dude," as in, "Dude, it's cold outside." But as time went on, Lola realized that dude referred to ice cream, cold water, and snow. It has something to do with the way she substitutes d for c in a lot of words.
There's also "wadid" for "water." "Bee" for "bird." "Supping" for "something." "Shoop" for "soup." The last one being kind of fun because I tried to correct it by saying, "ssssss-oup." She responded with "shhhhh-oop."
She'll substitute the "sh" sound for the "s" sound a lot. She may intend to say "sit," but instead she sounds like a miniature truck driver. Speaking of the word truck, there is the unfortunate substitution of the sound "f" for the "tr" sound. There really is nothing like your angelic faced cherub talking like that, and all the adults around looking at you thinking, "Her parents need their mouths washed out with soap!"
Then there are the funny names she's decided to call things. Like she saw me using lotion and asked me what it was. I told her "lotion," but she misunderstood and said, "Lola-shin?" I said, "No, Mommy's lotion." So she said, "Mommy-shin?" I've not been able to break her of this one. She still calls it lola-shin.
She also calls her poops "hot dogs." My mother thought this was absolutely hysterical. One day while Lil'T was sitting on the toilet, Mom asked her if she was done. Lil'T said, "I make hot dog." Without missing a beat Mom said, "Yes, but are you done? Is there may-be a vienna sausage still in you?" Lil'T didn't quite catch the reference.
Last night we went to a friend's house for dinner and I discovered that all adult women are "Mom" and all adult men are "Dad." But the nice thing is that there is only one "Mommy," and only one "Daddy," for Lil'T.
I know I'll be sad when she loses her accent and her funny words. Like when That stopped saying jeeps for grapes. Or when Princess stopped saying Weencha for princess. I especially miss Princess's imaginary friend Lidiot. Hubby used to joke that Lidiot's brother must be named Smoron.
But anyway, I suppose I have to live in the present. Live in the now.
I sure could use a dude frink.

My babies
Monday, February 4, 2008
A thick accent
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