Me: So I offered to do her nails before she went away for the weekend.
Him: I don't understand.
Me: She's going on vacation. She wants her nails to look nice.
Him: What I don't understand is your willingness to do somebody else's nails. You'd have to touch them to do that.
Me: ...

My babies
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Another difference between me and him
Thursday, May 24, 2012
My brother the fitness junkie turned me onto a website that promises to "get you in the best shape of your life, at home, for free." It is basically a bunch of workout schedules and YouTube videos with super fit & incredibly attractive 20-somethings showing you how to exercise in your living room. The equipment is very basic and they show you how to use what you might have instead of their equipment. Most of their stuff you could get for less than $200 total, I'm thinking.
Two days ago, I did the couplet workout featured on the website. The trainer goes through the routine on the video which lasts about 14 minutes long. She peppers in a bunch of encouragement along the way and reminds you that she's only asking for 12 minutes out of your day. Who cannot spare 12 minutes, right? Lacking in excuses, I made it through 4.5 of the 6 couplets before my legs turned to spaghetti and I needed a shower.
I figured that was pretty good for a first at bat and I should feel pretty pleased with myself.
The following day, I discovered that I had not properly hydrated myself. I knew this because of the enormous amounts of lactic acid that built up in my quadriceps. Oh my goodness my thighs were screaming. I found that walking down the stairs was especially excruciating for me. Each step down brought new groans of discomfort to my lips.
Painful, but good pain. Here comes the not so good pain.
So I made it downstairs where my teen aged son told me, "I thought you were carrying a heavy load down the stairs since you were making noises like you were struggling. I was going to help you carry it but then I saw that it was just you."
Ah... the pain of embarrassment. Ouch.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Net positive
Today, I got to go to the gym. It was a close thing because daughter #1 decided she wanted to go to the library and needed to be picked up at 5 PM. I hurriedly packed my gym bag and rushed out the door. Not a bad time because I wanted to take the 5:30 PM Zumba class. That would have been plenty of time to make it to the library, bring her home, and then get back to the gym. Of course, she ended up sitting somewhere else and I couldn't find her until 5:10 PM. I managed to make the class anyway thanks to the favor of the parking space faeries.
Zumba was especially fun because it was a new to me instructor. She was clearly a dancer. I didn't understand a lot of her cues just because this is exactly my 4th Zumba class ever. But half the fun of group fitness is screwing up the moves and looking like a fool. You still get your heart rate up no matter how ridiculous you look.
Lessons learned:
1. Pack your gym bag ahead of time -- well ahead of time, so you know you've done it right. I remembered to get new underwear for afterwards but apparently in my haste, I packed two bras and no panties. I also neglected to pack a fresh shirt. Grr. I did pack 2 sets of flip flops to shower.
2. I know she's only 11, but maybe it is time to rally behind the girl so she can get a cell phone.
That is all.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Mothers' Day 2012
Today is Mothers' Day 2012. For the past 3 years, we've gone to the brunch at Fort Worden State park. Believe it or not, I'm not that tied to traditions. I think every family tries to have their own traditions. I think this one is going to be one of ours. But it doesn't have to be. Usually, we gorge ourselves on breakfast goodies. We smuggle some of our leftover pork products out to the dog and play some hard recall practice for her. Then we walk on the beach no matter what the weather is. Somehow, that routine has become our Mothers' Day tradition. After we leave, I get to shop the thrift stores or nurseries in Port Townsend.
We got a pretty early seating. There was another family that I recognized from the island sitting at a table adjacent to ours. We were lucky that we didn't get seated at that table because they had some pretty bad karma there. First, when they were served their mimosas, the champagne flute broke and spilled all over grandpa. Second, when the chair back fell off of the dad's seat, I couldn't stop laughing. What are the chances?
Even if that other family never comes to brunch at Fort Worden again, we'll probably keep coming for as long as we live on this side of the water.
This morning we learned:
1. The dog responds best to bacon. There wasn't bacon at this morning's buffet and we ended up putting little pieces of roast tenderloin in my purse. Bacon can keep the dog from veering off course to chase birds. Pork tenderloin cannot.
2. There are different sections of the beach. The pier to the aquarium cuts the beach into the toddler section and the bikini clad teenager section. This year we went with my son and his 14 year old friend. While we were hanging out at the toddler beach, the boys wandered to the bikini section under the premise of getting water for the dog. It took a long time to get water for the dog.
3. If you take the scenic route home, you miss all of Port Townsend and their pretty little shops.
But I had a lovely time at the beach tossing the frisbee to my puppy. She made great strides in being able to jump into the water. Initially, she was fearful of jumping in, but when her beloved frisbee went a little too far into the water, she ran into the water to rescue it. So proud of her. I love it when I can tire her out. It isn't easy.
We also found out that there is a grocery mart in Chimacum that sells fresh wabbit (that's how they advertise it -- Elmer Fudd is on staff) and fun sodas. We especially liked the Fentimans dandelion & burdock soda. I liked that they didn't carry anything from Pepsi or Coca Cola. Good on them for being different.
I'm having a happy sunny Mother's Day. Hope you are doing the same.