Television has woefully been missing a good clapping themesong. Ever since Friends has left primetime, there haven't been any good clapping opening songs. Clapping along with a song is just friggin' fun. Tell me it's not. I admit that I struggled to get that timing just right. Those four fast claps only come once during the song. Miss them and you'll have to wait a whole week before you can try it again. Yeah, this was in the dark ages. The time before Tivo.
Imagine how my heart warmed to hear the promos for the new series Life on Mars. A new clapping song!!! But much more complicated than just 4 staccato claps. So I played the show off the website. I was so excited for a new clapping song. The opening scene didn't disappoint. There it was : When it all falls down... *clap, clap, clap*. Engaging syncopated rhythm. But then, there it went. I don't think it is the theme song for the series.
Oh, how sad for me. I guess I'll just have to wait for Friends reruns.

My babies
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Labels: YouTube
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Silly Pit Bull
Lipstick's for people.
What is politics as usual?
Would it be having "tests of loyalty" because blind obedience is better than thinking employees?
Would it be using your office to settle personal vendettas or perhaps allowing non-staff like, oh, I don't know, your spouse to use government offices to settle personal vendettas?
Or would it be more of a change to use the position to be respectful of your opponent as opposed to seeing them as your enemy?
I still like John McCain. Not terribly fond of the company he keeps.
Labels: politics
Friday, October 10, 2008
Birds and windows
The other day, Princess and I were talking about how sometimes birds will fly into our windows. There have been a few bird fatalities around our house because of wayward birds. Princess and I talked about ways we could prevent the birds from flying into our windows.
"Mommy, why do they fly into our windows in the first place? Did they want to come into the house?"
"No, I think they can see the reflection of the trees and sky in our windows so they don't think that they're going to hit anything but then they do." She chewed on that for a little bit.
"Oh, I know. We could put black paper up on all our windows because then they would only see black and then they wouldn't fly in our windows."
"Yeah, but I kind of like having light come in through our windows. Can you imagine just being able to see black all the time? It would be night all the time in our house."
"Well, maybe we could put signs up that said, 'don't fly here,' or 'danger: window."
"Good point. I don't know how well the birds would be able to see that though. I have heard of people putting stickers up on their windows. That can stop them."
So we made plans to get some decals to stick on our windows and save some bird lives.
"Hey Mommy, do you remember that time that a bird flew into our window. We thought it was dead but it turned out to be alive? You brought it in the house because you thought it was dead and then it jumped up and you let it outside."
"You're forgetting that he jumped up and pooped on my leg before I let it outside."
"I remember. But Mommy, poop is better than dead."
Poop is better than dead. Good point.
Labels: Princess
Thursday, October 9, 2008
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Labels: politics